Friday 29 July 2011

When I'm writing, sometimes it gets to that place...

When I'm writing, sometimes it gets to that place where I feel like the piece is writing itself and I'm trying not to get in the way.- John Zorn

So I was on again, yes again – it has some good stuff and I started reading an exceptionally good article about self publishing – it was so good that I felt compelled to leave a comment. Something I rarely do – although I have been trying to get my name out there a bit more recently so yes I have been. Anyway The article was written by Martin  Lastrapes about self publishers who uphold the stigma that ‘we are not good enough’ and this is ultimately holding us back from competing with the big wigs. I think he is very apt actually. I feel compelled to tell people I am a self pubber when they ask about by book- like it’s a bad thing- and you know that I don’t think it’s a bad thing- after all I am all for self publishing.

Anyway so I got chatting to Lastrapes and he is doing a blog tour – He will be putting up a guest blog on thecoffeestainedmanuscript on the 17th August. Watch this space for more news. In the meantime e-bookers at only $1.38 (I think) maybe read his novel  Inside the Outside  Having a look at the synopsis it sounds intriguing maybe a bit darker than something I would read but you never know these days I am broadening my horizons.

On the reading front you will never guess what my next book club book is (not my facebook one- the real one I have joined) – It is Tony Blair – A journey- yes that is the big summer read. Are you serious? Well I have ordered it along with Lanterns and The Legacy from the TV book club. I will review as I read as usual.  

But now that I mention my facebook book club- (Please join it if you haven’t already)- I am picking a book for the month of august- any suggestions- yes I know it should be something I am currently reading but think I am going to pick something I have read this year to get the ball going.

Anyway hope I haven’t bored you too much! Next blog is about the Pottermore- whats that? I hear you cry- JK Rowling a self publisher- just wait and see.

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